Lovelly Travels

Lovelly Travels

#56 - 🇨🇦 Canada with Charlie A'Court

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Learn more about Charlie A'Court and his company, CHAS MUSIC

The music of Charlie A'Court is as humble and heart-warming as his home province of Nova Scotia. Like the determined waters of the Atlantic ocean crashing into the rugged coast lines of his homeland, A'Court delivers a mix of life-worn sentiments set against a backdrop of stead-fast guitar playing. Blending the folk roots heritage of his culture, Charlie sings with the emotional drive and purity of blues and soul. Charlie A'Court uses his rising falsetto, breaking into waves of grit and growl pinning the emotional weight of his songs squarely at the feet of his fans. A'Court has been recognized time again for his contributions with 5 East Coast Music Awards, 8 Music Nova Scotia Awards and multiple Maple Blues Award nominations.

Instagram: @charlieacourt

Twitter: @charlieacourt

Facebook: @charlieacourt


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About this podcast

With a mission to visit every UN recognised country in the world, Emma 'Lovelly' Lovell invites you to join her on the journey. Talking about all things travel and adventure, Lovelly Travels will include interviews with fellow travellers and interesting locals, feature travel businesses and many a tale from the road. Joined by her co-pilot, Darius, Emma will document the mission to visit 195 countries while also raising awareness for mental health. Whether you're a voyager or a voyeur, you're invited to join them as they journey through past adventures and create new travel memories.

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by Emma Lovell, Darius Schnaare


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